The recipe for soft and tender pukis cakes can be suitable for sales ideas

Pukis cake or simply called pukis is a traditional Indonesian snack made from wheat flour and cooked using a special mold. This snack is usually found in traditional Indonesian markets.

This cake can last up to 2 days, provided that the coconut milk must be boiled first. The cake is soft and even when it's cold it's still soft. If you are curious about how to make it, here are 2 recipes that you can try.

A. Simple pukis recipe

Yields approximately 25 pukis cakes.

25 gr wheat flour
50 ml warm water
1/2 tbsp instant yeast

250 gr wheat flour
3 eggs
150 gr granulated sugar
300 ml warm thick coconut milk (1 coconut)
50 ml vegetable oil
1/2 tsp salt

How to make:
1. Mix the starter ingredients and stir until smooth, then leave for about 10 minutes until foamy.
2. Beat the eggs and sugar until thickened, reduce the mixer to low, add the starter ingredients, flour and coconut milk little by little alternately while beating until smooth.
3. Add oil and salt, stir well.
4. Next, let the dough rest for 1 hour, until it rises.
5. Heat the pukis mold (using low heat), grease the mold with margarine (then you don't need to grease it again),
6. Pour the mixture into 3/4 of the mold then cover and wait until it is cooked, remove from heat.

• Use a large container to beat the eggs because the mixture will double in size.
• Stir the mixture every time you pour the mixture into the mold. This method aims to remove air bubbles so that the surface of the cake is smooth and free of holes.
• You can add pandan flavoring/paste, chocolate and others to the dough if you want a different taste.

B. Soft Pukis Cake Recipe

250 gr blue triangle flour
3 eggs
180 gr granulated sugar
300 ml milk
50 ml melted butter
1 tsp salt

1 tsp fermipan
25 gr blue triangle flour
50 ml water

Shaved Cheese and Chocolate

How to make
1. Make the starter dough. Mix flour, instant yeast and water. Mix well. After that, let it sit for 15 minutes.
2. Mix the eggs and granulated sugar until thick and pale in color.
3. After that, add the flour and milk little by little, alternately. (Note: milk has been mixed with salt).
4. Add the starter into the mixture and stir until evenly mixed.
5. After the mixture is evenly mixed, add the melted butter and continue to stir until smooth. Then let it sit for 1 hour.
6. Heat the mold over low heat, grease a special frying pan with margarine at first only. Then pour half the mixture...after it looks nested, add the topping and cover until cooked.
7. A sign that the pukis cake is ready is that there is no sticky dough when poked with a stick.

That's the recipe and how to make it, good luck trying it....
